My novel “Field Piece, Book I: Tehran” was on sale on Amazon Kindle last week for only 99¢. Now “Field Piece, Book II: Azerbaijan” is on sale on Amazon Kindle for only 99¢ from July 15th through midnight July 21st.
Book I takes place in 1995 and Book II two years later, when Walker returns to Iran on another mission. Many of the characters appearing in Book I are also in Book II, including, of course, our hero, Steve Walker. Walker’s friend from graduate school, Pasdaran Colonel Kamal Taleb, shows up again, along with his brash younger brother, Massoud, and the femme fatale Jilah, who became much more than Walker’s friend in Book I.
Predictably, Walker’s nemesis, his half-brother Azrak, once again is creating havoc, this time in Azerbaijan, where he is head of the Azeri secret police.
Russian mercenaries, Muslim freedom fighters, war — Walker’s stepped into it this time . . .
Click on the image below to buy this book on Amazon Kindle for just 99¢.